"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him... was not any thing made, that was made..." - John 1:1-3

"For it is by grace, you have been saved; through faith... and this is not from yourselves; it is the gift of God... not by works, so that no one can boast..." - Ephesians 2:8-9
"The grass isn't always greener, on the other side... An outcome, is different... than a process; one might be enticed by a destination, but not want to traverse... the path, to get there... ...nevertheless, there is more than one path... to a particular destination..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"I, the LORD, search the heart and examine the mind… to reward each person according to their conduct… according to what their deeds deserve..." - Jeremiah 17:10 (according to 'God the Father')
“For it is not the Father who judges a man, but he has given all judgment… to the Son…” - John 5:22
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With 'the Lord' a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years… are like a day…” – 2 Peter 3:8
If you have the misfortune of being despised by Jesus Christ, for your inequities... such an extent, that He has been advised by God the Father... to send you to hell 'without hesitation (on Judgment Day)'... then you should be concerned, about the wrath... of both God the Father, and God the Son (who act as a singular entity, in the context of the Holy Trinity)
The Lord in the 'primary sense,' is 'God the Father'... Jesus Christ, is 'God the Son'...
2:12 PM (12/29/22): 
"For what should it profit a man, to gain the whole world... but lose his own soul...?" - Mark 8:36 
"You either die a hero, or live long enough... to see yourself, become the villain..." - Harvey Dent
"Not all heroes, are heroic... It depends on which team, they are on..." - Michael Izuchukwu
2:49 PM (12/29/22): "My interpretation of the aforementioned, is that if one is fortunate/lucky enough... one's mortality is overlooked, by God... and he/she sticks around long enough, to witness the biblical event... known as 'the Rapture'. Such could be facilitated, via various mediums..." - Michael Izuchukwu
11:35 PM (11/20/22): "Somewhere, something incredible... is waiting to be known..." - Carl Sagan
Facebook (

(a Crucifixion Crosses sketch that I made, in February 2020... at the 'Carrier Clinic,' in Belle Mead, NJ)


Websites (about dad):

2. John Ifeanyichukwu Izuchukwu, PhD, MBA, PE, Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who's Who (
3. John Izuchukwu - Core Devices Inc. - Accidents / Injuries / Safety Expert Witness (
4. Medical Device Expert - Core Devices | Core Devices
6. voldy33 (u/voldy33) - Reddit (see posts 37-42)

(childhood home in Pine Creek subdivision, of Chesterfield, MO - grades 3-12)

11:51 AM (12/2/22):
12:06 PM (12/2/22):
1:01 PM (12/2/22):
1:14 PM (12/2/22):
(tantalizing breakfast, as of 9:10 AM... today)

1:37 PM (12/2/22):
1:38 PM (12/2/22):
1:53 PM (12/2/22):
2:00 PM (12/2/22): 

8:39 PM (11/30/22):
CAPTION: "Remember, who... you are..." - Mufasa
8:16 PM (11/30/22):
CAPTION: Interesting perspective, on the nature of relating... to Jesus Christ
8:18 PM (11/30/22):
CAPTION: Ill-advised 
CAPTION: Ignorance is not bliss
8:01 PM (11/30/22):
CAPTION: My favorite part of this song
CAPTION: '21' is an intriguing movie
CAPTION: Matthew 19:24
8:05 PM (11/30/22):
CAPTION: Nice instrumental
6:58 PM (11/30/22):
CAPTION: Angels of the bible


1. "Some youngsters seek to rise to great heights..." - Michael Izuchukwu
12-year-old football Superstar - Bunchie Young AKA 'the Superbowl Kid'

2. "I watched this video at least 300 times, during my sophomore year... at Rice University (2009-2010)... Nelson Evora won the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China, with a jump of 17.67 meters (57'11.75")..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Triple jump 2008 mix


[(Lunch was at 11:15 AM, on 4/26/22 (negligible)]

4. "Interesting video of an Asian female, talking about her 'library outfit'... Perhaps I should make a return to the East Orange public library, later today..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5. "Tonkatsu is an interesting Japanese dish (I am reminded of egg rolls)... Perhaps such is a delicacy in Tokyo, Japan, where the prior Olympics Games... were held, in 2021..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6. "Interesting video of a woman with a slender frame and 'Indian phenotype,' engaging in what appears to be a dance... There are certain people who may have untapped potential, in the arena of athletics... which is never seen..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7. ... (photo of beef, rice and green beans)...

(dinner from 4:14 PM, today... beef, rice and green beans)
"As I ate such, the words 'a grain of rice... could be the difference between victory, and defeat... surfaced, in my mind..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8. "The colonization of Mars, may prove more complicated than most would expect... due to the harsh environment, and the many variables that have to be assessed... regarding that, which could go wrong..." - Michael Izuchukwu

9. "Interesting article, regarding Elon Musk's SpaceX... and how inhabiting Mars, is a subject of interest... After such, there is Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune... which are gas giants..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10. "Time may pass differently, when one navigates the 3 dimensions of length, width and height/depth (the context of spacetime)... as opposed to devoting much of such, to watching screens in which images flash in quick succession (TV)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11. "Elaboration on the aforementioned, is here... I believe the ability to travel by means that transcend the physical, is an aspect... of getting to heaven... and such can only be acquired, with effort..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12. "This scene has certain implications, when viewed... muted... The music interferes, with the processing of what an actual extraterrestrial encounter... may feel like..." - Michael Izuchukwu

13. "I wonder what the second 'alien' in the background is thinking, as he/she/it edges towards the other characters... at 0:49... 'On standby,' I suppose..." - Michael Izuchukwu

14. "Interesting article, about how biogenic carbon has been found in the dust... on the Martian surface, implying such once came from 'living organisms'... Such supports my hypothesis, that this world may have been evacuated..." - Michael Izuchukwu

15. "...millions of years ago, Martians may have been on Mars... before their civilization used their technology, to leave our galaxy (or head to the other side)... taking such with them, for security purposes..." - Michael Izuchukwu

16. "There are some medical marvels in the world, regarding those born with unconventional anomalies... I am hypothesizing that this child was taken to India, for the sake of impartial treatment..." - Michael Izuchukwu

17. "There are some who may say that abortion is the solution, when there is a chance someone could live a life... plagued with ailments, due to the way he/she was born... The value of human life is intrinsic, but prevention is better... than the cure..." - Michael Izuchukwu

18. "...according to the Dutch philosopher, Desiderius Erasmus..." - Michael Izuchukwu

19. "Car ride with my mom, to Livingston Mall (in Livingston, NJ)... at 10:48 AM, today..." - Michael Izuchukwu

20. "Photo of some magazines from Barnes & Noble... at 11:10 AM, today..." - Michael Izuchukwu



7:06 PM (4/27/22)
Interesting video, of a female traveling the world... and living freely. Perhaps an aspect of being embedded within the spirit realm, as opposed to the material realm... is doing that, which is aligned... with making that transition, naturally.
7:19 PM (4/27/22)
Many steps must be taken, to traverse great distances (often small)... There is a timeline which humans partake in, in this life... and the spark which ignited such, may eventually be reignited... when extinguished. One often cannot see the forest through the trees, until one is standing at a vantage point.

7:26 PM (4/27/22)
Interesting video, of some militaristic combat... regarding missile technology

12:35 PM (4/28/22):
A former video I filmed, of this one: David, A.I - Prometheus & Covenant - YouTube (of the first 49 seconds, which are my favorite... I zeroed in on the first 34... of such)

12:31 PM (4/28/22)
Interesting talk with Dr. Michio Kaku, about the future... and the possibilities for what life may be like in such, with advancements in technology

1:54 PM (4/28/22)
One of my favorite songs, as of 2018... In the context of worlds beyond our own, one wonders if heaven is on another plane... of existence

(interesting article, about a 13-year-old preparing for a doctorate in physics... if my middle brother, JJ, read such... he might be scared, given that it has been said that he finished his undergraduate curriculum at Montclair State... this Spring, with a major in international relations/justice...)

3:49 PM (4/28/22):
Interesting triple jumping video... The event consists of a hop, skip and a jump... after running down a straightaway... and how far one goes, is often dependent on one's power-weight ratio

5:17 PM (4/28/22):
Interesting long jump competition, featuring the rivalry between Carl Lewis and Mike Powell... at the 1991 World Championships, in Tokyo, Japan. There, Powell set the world record in the long jump at 8.95 meters (29'4"), which has stood the test of time... since then. 
One wonders about when people reach their primes in life, typically in the context of physicality... but spiritual and mental fortification, can likely deter ailments and deterioration... over time.

Humans have a tendency to experience benign physiological changes, up to a certain point... over time's passage. As the observer of one's growth, one should assess the variables that may account for such... if one seeks, to be a spiritual being in this life (as opposed to a material one), assuming... such is possible (with the grace of God, a function performed by Jesus Christ... in the spirit realm).

5:37 PM (4/28/22)
The communicative mediums that humans relate to (whether that be books, television, radio or music) refine our realities... often influencing the trajectory we follow in life, subtly.

8:26 AM (4/28/22)
There are about 7.9 billion humans on planet Earth, at present... scattered across 7 continents, consisting of 195 countries... At least 6,500 languages are spoken on Earth, and there is great diversity among human beings (the 'extraterrestrial race' of Homo Sapiens, which is predominant of the species of organisms... on this planet). Self-actualization is only achieved, when one traverses a genuine path.

(a geographic map, of Earth... across such, people have different lifestyles and life expectancies)

(dinner from 4:22 PM, today - pork chops, broccoli and potatoes)

(heading to a 7-Eleven at 5:55 PM, today... where I acquired some Rice Krispies Treats)

8:29 PM (4/28/22):
In the context of the conflicts which have ensued on Earth, over the past several millennia... one wonders if relating to 'actual extraterrestrials' is worthwhile, if there are a plethora of people on Earth... who may be considered 'unrelatable'... for reasons, which may not be of their own volition

8:46 PM (4/28/22)
One of my favorite scenes, from the 2014 movie 'Interstellar'. In different parts of the cosmos, time passes differently... due to time dilation. One wonders why humans are the only species of creatures on Earth, with the capability of navigating space. Perhaps that is a confirmation of our uniqueness as a species, in relation to other '8.7 million' (of plants and animals)... on this world.

(resets at the conclusion of each day)

4:03 PM (4/29/22)
It is a statistical certainty that we humans are not alone in the cosmos, in the context of the Fermi Paradox. Many variables account for the 'Great Silence,' regarding confrontation with other extraterrestrial civilizations... but at least 36 of them, were detected recently... in our galaxy (the Milky Way).

A photo of a pigeon, spreading its wings... from 12:35 PM, today... as I headed to Wendy's

(Wendy's from 12:37 PM, today)

5:14 PM (4/29/22):
The diet of humans is quite diverse, from a foreign and domestic standpoint... with respect to the respective nations, of the Earth (a total of '195')... If humans were to venture to other planets in the cosmos for long-term periods... they likely would not find edible animals on them, unless we left our solar system... and traveled to others, perhaps lightyears... away.

(dinner from 4:20 PM, today... Meatloaf, rice and peas... tastier, than most served meals)

5:34 PM (4/29/22):
In 1492, there was intercontinental travel... when Christopher Columbus and his crew, left Europe... and discovered America, when they landed in the Bahamas (on October 12, of that year). Interplanetary travel is not necessarily on par, with the ease of intercontinental travel... 500 years ago, in the context of humans... exploring other worlds, as opposed to rovers.

'Media snacks,' hereafter... such is the advisory, I have received... 

6:48 PM (4/29/22):
In the context of the universe's history, it's plausible that exoplanets that we humans may encounter... may be barren, but once inhabited... and that being in the right place, at the right time... is just as crucial for finding life... as a world be situated at the right proximity, to a star (such as our sun).

6:56 PM (4/29/22)
A couple dancing in their apartment, relishing the moment

11:00 PM (4/29/22)
Sometimes, one only finds a candle... after having been in the darkness, for a certain duration... of time. Adversity is necessary, for spiritual growth

11:34 PM (4/29/22): "I noticed that when I attempted to film some videos on my phone, yesterday (when I was in South Orange, NJ), that the audio was involuntarily silenced... when I attempted to play them back to myself... Nevertheless, for other videos ('not self-made') on my device, I could hear the audio... so I wonder what the reason for this, is..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:01 AM (4/30/22)
One must be thoroughly conditioned, to thrive at certain tasks... which require practice and rehearsal. A person often does not learn how to ride a bike, until one has attempted balancing... multiple times.
"Life is like riding a bicycle; in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving..." - Albert Einstein

7:12 AM (4/30/22)
 I used to watch the anime TV series 'Dragonball Z,' religiously... when in elementary school and middle school. It was not until 2017 or 2018, that I tuned in to some online streams of the sequel TV series 'Dragonball Super'... and was acquainted with the 'Tournament of Power'... Nevertheless, my greatest memories are affiliated with the former.

8:57 AM (4/30/22)
Interesting runway video... The quickest path between two points, is a straight line... so activities that require efficiency, across a certain path... may be spiritually significant

8:59 AM (4/30/22)
 Peaceful song, that is both soothing and transportive

10:12 AM (4/30/22)
 "You must be the change you wish to see, in the world..." - Mahatma Gandhi

10:20 AM (4/30/22)
Interesting video, about a female 'living her life'... There are many ways to be proactive, in spacetime... some more intrinsic, than others

10:24 AM (4/30/22)
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man... to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matthew 19:24

(each new post, is a different channel)

(the TV I never watched, when at my former apartment... in University City, MO)


LINK (s):



6:46 AM (3/7/23):
"Refraining from polluting the natural habitats, of animals... is advantageous, for preserving the planet we humans... live on... At present, there isn't a backup Earth..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:34 PM (3/7/23):
"Regarding this article, my sentiments are that it seems improper... to date someone, who already has a partner (from a biblical standpoint)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1:37 PM (3/7/23):
"Belief in God (a higher power) is of great significance... through various cultures, on Earth... Nevertheless, there are varying levels... of understanding, regarding the genuine nature... of the Holy Spirit... ...which is a human's connection, to God (in the generic sense)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"After browsing TikTok, I found this video... and concluded that the first 5 seconds of such, could be characterized as 'boss mode' or 'assassin' music..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:33 AM (3/8/23):
"Very interesting discussion, regarding higher dimensions... and how the dimensions are interconnected, regarding the effects they have... on each other..." - Michael Izuchukwu
NOTE #1:
"We're living in a fractal, holographic... light matrix..." - Billy Carson (8:02-8:05)
NOTE #2:
Analysis: 'God the Father' works... in mysterious ways...

5:03 AM (3/8/23):
"Interesting video of Tupac rapping (as Snoop Dogg is dancing), and in the first 3-4 seconds... it seems as though he is alluding to how, he expects someone to be able to triple jump... at least 50 feet..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:10 AM (3/8/23):
"...maybe the prior posting, is in reference... to Denis Vashurin..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:58 AM (3/8/23):
"Apparently, Nina Khan's real name is Lina Khan... and given that she is the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission (and born on March 3, 1989), that is of interest..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:47 AM (3/9/23):
Mars meteorite (snapped by Curiosity Rover, on Sol 3735 - in the shape, of the pelvis bone)
A Sol is a 'day on Mars'... and right now, it is Sol 3755... for Curiosity...

NINE BIBLE VERSES (regarding getting to heaven, via 'natural means'):
1.      "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven… but only he, who does the will of my Father'…" - Matthew 7:21 (according to Jesus Christ, regarding 'God the Father')

2.      “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary… they will walk, and not be faint…” - Isaiah 40:31

3.      “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years… are like a day…” - 2 Peter 3:8

4.      “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death… so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him. According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord… will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command… with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God… and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left… will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord, forever…" - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

5.      “About that day or hour, no one knows... not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son... but only, the Father..." - Matthew 24:36

6.      “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man… to enter, the Kingdom of Heaven…” – Matthew 19:24

7.      “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they… shall see God…” – Matthew 5:8

8.      “For it is not the Father who judges a man, but he has given all judgment… to the Son…” - John 5:22

9.      “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)

"In the context of #7 & #9, there is credence to believe that God the Father ('heavenly Father') could advise God the Son ('Jesus Christ') not to 'see' certain people... on Judgment Day... given that their deeds are so corrupt, they are immediately condemned... and do not warrant 'judgment'..." - Michael Izuchukwu (11:14 PM, on 4/15/23)
NOTE #1: 
#7 suggests that the pure-hearted, will see God... by some means... and the presumption is that such is on Judgment Day, given that real-life encounters... are limited, by many variables... Given this, if someone is 'deficient' at being pure-hearted... he/she ought to take the measures, for purification... to optimize his/her odds, of getting to heaven... in the context, of the above '9' verses...
NOTE #2: 
God don't like ugly...

7:46 AM (10/2/23):
"You now have 1 month remaining, of being the age (33)... at which, I was crucifed..." - 'Hypothetical' Jesus
(I used to live about 400-600 meters away, from Monte Irvin Orange Park (in East Orange, NJ), when I was cohabiting with my mom and my middle brother (JJ/John Jr.)... from 2017-Spring 2019... the Harclay House apartment complex)
7:54 AM (10/2/23):
" did you ascend...?" - Michael Izuchukwu (to 'Hypothetical' Jesus)
"...long story..." - 'Hypothetical' Jesus
